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“more benevolently”
benevolently (adjective), more benevolently, most benevolently
1. An inclination to perform kind, charitable acts: Sarah was benevolently inspired when she decided to volunteer at local children's medical clinic.
2. Characterized by a kindly act; such as, a gift given out of generosity: Henry's mother acted benevolently when she gave a large music scholarship to the local university.
2. Characterized by a kindly act; such as, a gift given out of generosity: Henry's mother acted benevolently when she gave a large music scholarship to the local university.
This entry is located in the following units:
bene-, ben-, beni-
(page 2)
Quotes: Generosity, Benevolence, Altruism
(page 1)
volen-, volunt-, voli-, vol-
(page 1)